Friday, October 18, 2024

Vanderpump Rules’s Ally Lewber Astrology Reading Review

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Ally Lewber knows she’s an interesting fit for “Vanderpump Rules.” The reality star and professional astrologer kind of stands out: as her cast members heighten in drama and fame, Lewber, who was introduced in season 10 as James Kennedy’s new girlfriend, is grounded, measured. Though she’s only been on the show for one season, for now, she just seems so normal. “That’s the best compliment,” Lewber assures. “I want people to feel like we’re friends.”

This approachable attitude is exactly why it doesn’t feel strange that, on a Tuesday at 4 p.m., Lewber is telling me about the “blessed placement” of Jupiter in my seventh house.

Viewers of “Vanderpump Rules” know that Lewber is an astrology enthusiast. (In a season 10 episode, she and Kennedy get their tarot cards read.) But now, she’s an astrology practitioner currently offering virtual, one-on-one birth-chart readings ranging in time and level of detail.

For the uninitiated, an astrological birth chart is a map of where the planets and stars were at the time of your birth. Broadly speaking, astrologists interpret birth charts to determine certain characteristics, patterns, and possibilities. Lewber refers to birth charts as a blueprint. She tells POPSUGAR, “I like to think of it like a road map of your life. There’s so much guidance.”

Well, here’s what it’s like like to receive that road map from a reality star. But first, read about Lewber’s decision to seriously pursue astrology. Then, stick around for her thoughts on “Vanderpump Rules” season 11.

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Ally Lewber is a spiritual astrologer and cast member on Bravo’s “Vanderpump Rules.”

Ally Lewber’s Astrology Background

Lewber’s path to becoming an astrologer feels inextricable from Los Angeles: after studying entertainment journalism at Belmont University in Nashville, Lewber moved out west and made the usual rounds (she worked as a production assistant and then at Soho House). Somewhere along the way, she thought she might make for a good meteorologist, until she started taking classes and realized she hated it. “I have some really embarrassing reels of me trying to do the weather,” she says.

Lewber always liked astrology, however. “I was always that annoying friend,” she says. Though she kept it in the back of her mind, it didn’t feel like a viable profession. She remembers thinking, “I’m a Capricorn, I’m a realist. I can’t do astrology. I went to college!”

“James really did inspire me. He’s such a dreamer.”

It was actually her boyfriend who encouraged her to pursue her passion. Lewber was starting to take astrology courses when she first met Kennedy. Over time, he pointed out how much more she enjoyed astrology over her meteorology classes. Plus, with “Vanderpump Rules” filming in a few months, she would have a new platform to boost her business. “It is still such a pinch-me moment. It’s weird how the universe just works out,” she says. “Not saying I owe this all to him, but James really did inspire me. He’s such a dreamer.”

During the filming of season 10, Lewber “admitted for the first time” that she wanted to become a professional astrologer. “It felt like such a freeing moment. I was scared. I was scared of what my friends and family would think. I was scared of failing. I was scared of just owning it because it was such a different path for me,” she says. “I joke that I’m not forecasting the weather, but now I’m forecasting the future. So, I was close.”

Lewber wasn’t initially sure how many clients she would get through the show. She remembers seeing her first booking come through while she was at one of Kennedy’s DJ gigs. These days, she’s completely booked months into the future.

Do clients ever want to reroute a reading to be all about “Vanderpump Rules”? Lewber’s been pleasantly surprised. “It’s not at all what I expected. It’s not people just sussing me out,” she says. “Ninety-nine percent of the people do not mention the show, which is so nice. It feels like my own thing. We just talk about them the whole time.”

My Experience Getting a Birth-Chart Reading From Ally Lewber

We get started on the birth-chart reading and I tell Lewber I’m scared. Like her, I also prefer talking about people other than myself. (Hello, I’m a journalist.) “Don’t be scared, because all it is is validating our experience,” she says. “It’s a reflection of our life and it’s crazy and it’s cheesy, but it’s so simple.”

With that, Lewber presents my birth chart. It’s my first time learning my big three, or my sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign. Here’s how Lewber explains it: “Your sun sign is what you want, it’s who you are becoming. Your moon, that’s what you need. It’s a nonnegotiable. And then that rising sign, that’s how you go about getting it all.” My big three are below.

  • Sun Sign: Capricorn. I already knew my sun sign. Lewber says she also had a hunch, knowing my profession. “Capricorns ultimately really crave legacy and building something they’re proud of. And they’re amazing workers. So, it’s like, ‘I don’t need a boss.'” She adds, “You probably don’t want to write that part in the story.” (Wink.)

    Lewber notes that I have a lot of energy in my 10th house, which is the house of career and public image, ruled by Capricorn. Not only is my sun there, but I apparently also have a stellium, which happens when there are three or more planets in a particular house. Mercury, for example, is in there. Lewber describes it as the planet of data and research. “Mercury’s literally inputting all of this information and then it’s exporting it. It has to tell a story. It has to share.” She says, “You’re meant to use your voice — 1,000 percent — especially in the work that you do.”

    Neptune is also in my 10th house. Lewber says it’s a playful planet of fantasy. “Ultimately, you’re a dreamer,” Lewber says. “You’re not going to go work somewhere where there doesn’t seem to be any storytelling or light or fun.” That said, Neptune’s placement can sometimes cause internal conflict because, after all, Capricorns are realists.

  • Moon Sign: Virgo. My moon sign is in the sixth house of routine and wellness, ruled by Virgo. Lewber says this means that my well-being — emotional, mental, and physical — is a “vulnerable, emotional area” I need to tend to. “It’s a nonnegotiable because when you do that, your moon feels really good and really taken care of,” she says. “And it knows that you’ve got a lot of shit to do.”

    Lewber recommends that I lean on practices like meditation and therapy to make sure I’m maintaining a work-life balance. In other words, “Fill up your cup and then get the job done.”

  • Rising Sign: Aries. Lewber describes my rising sign as my “backbone” — the energy with which I entered the world. It’s interesting, I tell Lewber, because my mom is an Aries. “That happens a lot. It’s really crazy, actually,” she says. “You’re an extension of her.”

    Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action. “It’s fiery. It’s exciting. It’s going to do a lot in this lifetime,” Lewber says. “When we have a fire rising sign, it’s ambitious and it’s eager.”

    This all comes as a surprise, because Aries feels a little too fiery for my disposition, but Lewber says Aries can be misunderstood. “Aries gets the reputation because of Mars that it can be feisty, but really Aries is one of the most gentle and kind signs.” She says my rising sign likely manifests itself in the way that I am independent, moved away from home, and love to travel.

Lewber and I spend a good deal of time talking about Jupiter. For me, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, is in my seventh house of partnerships. Lewber says this placement is a good fit for people who found their significant other early on. (I met my husband at 21. We’ve been together for nearly 10 years, and married for two.) “No joke, when Jupiter is in the seventh house, this is a blessed placement for happy, healthy marriages,” she says. “I’ve only seen this probably two or three times.” I can’t tell if she’s just saying that to make me feel special, but I also don’t really care.

I tell Lewber my husband’s sign, Sagittarius, and she notes that my north node, representing destiny and purpose, is in Sagittarius. “He is activating your purpose point,” she says. “That just means that there’s a lot that you are meant to learn from him. He’s guiding you and helping you — and you are, too, for him. It’s literally like a puzzle piece. It’s really beautiful.”

Looking ahead, Lewber tells me that Saturn, the planet of responsibility and discipline, will be transiting to Aries in 2026. She says this will bring “physical expansion,” adding, “That is a popular placement for pregnancy and for new beginnings and new chapters.” This resonates with me. Though I don’t plan on having Saturn’s whereabouts dictate the most important of life decisions, it’s nice to know the possibility is swirling somewhere in the stars.

Ally Lewber Talks “Vanderpump Rules” Season 11

When she isn’t reading birth charts, Lewber’s time is of course occupied by “Vanderpump Rules.” And what a season her first was. Dynamics among the cast completely shifted upon the “Scandoval” bombshell, i.e. the revelation that Tom Sandoval and Rachel Leviss had been carrying on an affair throughout nearly the entirety of the season. Lewber says season 11, which premiered on Jan. 30 and will end on May 28, largely focused on the aftermath.

“It is going to definitely focus on picking the pieces back up between the group, and it’s sad,” she says. “If you think about it, when we started filming, we didn’t even know for the first month of filming if Rachel was going to come back.” (Leviss implied she would not be returning to the show in a podcast interview with Bethenny Frankel in August 2023. The news was confirmed by “Entertainment Tonight” shortly after.)

“I wish that I listened to myself more.”

Though she wasn’t as immersed in the affair revelation and ensuing fallout last season, Lewber was an early truth teller, raising some suspicion after seeing Sandoval and Leviss out late together one night. In hindsight, Lewber says, “I wish that I listened to myself more. I wish that I was like, ‘Guys, no, this is real.'” She adds, “The group is so weird, and I still continue to say that even now. I like them all separately and independently, but I’m like, ‘You guys have to stop trusting each other. You can trust each other, but stop trusting each other with your partner. That’s your person. What are we doing here?'”

When asked to describe the season in three words, Lewber picks “different,” “sad,” and “fresh.” There were “a lot of difficult, sad conversations and fighting and people not knowing which side to be on.” Lewber adds, “Filming was just hard, but I think watching it back, we’ll all be able to relate to it in a weird way.”

The new season focused on more than just the aftermath, however. Lewber says viewers got to see her relationship with Kennedy grow as they embraced a more “suburban lifestyle” and settled into a new home. “It’s a lot of just seeing our relationship evolve,” she says. “I was thinking about it today, and last season, we were only really dating for four months. Our relationship was such a baby last year.”

Lewber and Kennedy also welcomed — or welcomed back — a new addition as Kennedy reunites with the dog he previously shared with Leviss. “A little furry friend enters our life and we love him so much,” Lewber says.

And while she may continue to be somewhat of an emotional outlier on the show, Lewber isn’t above getting in the mix. “It does keep things fun,” she says. “You get it, you’re a Capricorn — grounded energy and we’re working. So, it’s fun to witness the chaos a little bit. I’m not going to lie.”

Kelsey Garcia is the associate content director of PS Balance, where she oversees lifestyle coverage, from dating to parenting and financial wellness. Kelsey is passionate about travel, skin-care trends, and changes in the social media landscape. Before joining the PS team more than eight years ago as an editorial assistant, she interned at Elle and Harper’s Bazaar, among other publications.

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