The new year often feel like a blank slate you can cast any of your wildest fantasies on, which is why it’s natural to wonder what your sex horoscope in 2025 has in store. Will you rekindle things with an ex? Will you discover a new kink or fetish? Will you have your best orgasms yet? Leave it up to the cosmos to decide what your sex life needs in 2025.
Because every calendar year offers unique astrological opportunities to turn up the temperature on your sex life, 2025 is bringing different energy than ever before. According to the astronomical events in 2025, the year will be full of especially passionate, take-charge energy.
For starters, Neptune, the planet of spirituality and dreams, and Saturn, the planet of boundaries and commitment, will make rare moves, shifting out of passive mutable water sign Pisces and into assertive, driven cardinal fire sign Aries. Later, Uranus, the planet of sudden change and rebellion, which is often the force behind out-of-the-blue shifts and the desire to try something new in the bedroom, will leave slow, steady, and sensual fixed earth sign Taurus behind for communicative, curious, playful mutable air sign Gemini.
Though this may not mean much to you, these planetary movements prove that you’re in for one horny ride. Keep reading to learn more about your sex horoscope in 2025, according to your zodiac sign. Read your sex horoscope, according to your rising sign first, then read for your sun sign.
Aries Sex Horoscope (March 20-April 19)
It’s time to fulfill your steamiest fantasies in 2025, Aries. For starters, you’re on the precipice of a whole new chapter — a chapter in which you’re capable of manifesting your dream sex and love life early on in the year, thanks to the solar eclipse and new moon that falls in your sign on March 29.
Then, Neptune, which oversees spirituality and dreams, will be in your sign from March 30 to Oct. 22, helping you to become even more in tune with your intuition than usual. This is important because it can lead you to gaining clarity around what you need to feel truly satisfied within your most intimate relationships. (You may also crave more of a spiritual connection with anyone you’re connecting with sexually during this time.) Taskmaster Saturn will also be in your sign from May 24 to Sept. 1, making you even more conscious of your physical realities and needs. For instance, you could be more motivated to kick off or maintain your workout regimen because it amplifies your vitality and, in turn, your sex drive.
Taurus Sex Horoscope (April 20-May 20)
Since 2018, Uranus, the planet of rebellion, change, and innovation, has been moving through your sign, Taurus, shaking up how you show up in the world and make an impression on others. In 2025, however, it makes a significant move into your second house of self-worth, spending time there from July 7 to Nov. 7. Because of this planetary movement, you may notice yourself wanting to be more vocal about what you deserve and need in the bedroom. It’s time to speak up about your needs and curb any excuses that you’re not worthy of your desires.
Thanks to two game-changing eclipses in your fifth house of romance and self-expression on March 14 and Sept. 21, this year may also bring massive change to how you will infuse fun, playfulness, and lighthearted magic into your love and sex life. Once these lunar eclipses roll through, you may be more comfortable being even bolder with sharing your needs and expectations with a significant other or casual partner. By the way, being more vocal — and maybe even experimenting with dirty talk — could very much be a thing for you while Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is in your third house of communication for about a year, beginning June 9.
Gemini Sex Horoscope (May 21-June 20)
The new year will bring a tidal wave of restlessness and a burning need to be completely free of any limitations regarding your hottest fantasies, Gemini. That’s because Uranus, the planet of massive, out-of-the-blue change, will move into your sign and first house of self on July 7, remaining there until it retrogrades back into your 12th house of spirituality on Nov. 7. Though you’re generally up for telling sexual partners exactly what you want, you could be surprised by how outspoken you are with your kinks and daydreams in 2025. Be sure to take advantage of messenger Mercury, your ruling planet, moving through your sign from May 25 to June 8, which will also supercharge your confidence and assertiveness when detailing exactly what you want to explore with a partner.
In November, when your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde in your seventh house of partnership, you’ll be nudged to rethink and reimagine what you most want and need out of a situationship or your long-term relationship. This could be non-sexual, but making changes that lead to feeling more fulfilled in this bond can end up supercharging your sex drive.
Cancer Sex Horoscope (June 21-July 22)
Sorry, Cancer, but 2025 will begin on a bit of a slow burn. This is because Mars, the planet of sex, will be retrograde in your sign from Jan. 6 to Feb. 23, which could lead you to feeling like you can’t express yourself sexually. But once the retrograde ends, the sky’s the limit. This year is shaping up to be an incredibly memorable one for you overall — especially as it relates to exploring your steamiest sexual dreams and feeling even more comfortable in your skin. You can thank Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, which will be kicking off a year-long trip through your sign on June 9.
To get a better sense of what you can expect in terms of your sex and romantic life this year, it would be wise to work on becoming more self-assured about who you are and what you want. This will help set the stage for you to become more gratified by your sexual experiences. You can also look forward to the lunar eclipse and full moon in your ninth house of adventure on Sept. 7, which will likely inspire you to step way out of your sex comfort zone.
Leo Sex Horoscope (July 23-Aug. 22)
Your energy could be running low as the year begins, Leo. Don’t worry, though — once Mars retrograde in your 12th house of spirituality ends on Feb. 23, you’ll be more fired up to vocalize and pursue your fantasies. In fact, you may be on the brink of a whole new era that involves embracing eye-opening experiences and picking up new skills that can lead to feeling more fulfilled by your sexual experiences, thanks to not one but two major planetary shifts in your ninth house of adventure.
To start, Neptune, the planet of imagination, will be in Leo from March 30 to Oct. 22, and Saturn, the planet of commitment, spends time in Leo from May 24 to Sept. 1. This planetary movement could reframe how you’re thinking about your sex life. Are your sexual experiences helping you grow personally? If not, you might be motivated to make significant changes. Look to Sept. 7, when the lunar eclipse and full moon is in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, for a watershed moment. You will be sure to feel even more comfortable and secure within your closest bonds after.
Virgo Sex Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
If there’s one sign that’s set to have a major evolution within their sex and love life this year, it’s you, Virgo. In 2025, you’ll see massive changes that are lighting up your first house of self, seventh house of partnership, and eighth house of sexual intimacy. To start, March 13 will bring a lunar eclipse and full moon in your sign, which could affect your sense of self and one-on-one bonds. During this time, work on improving your self-esteem and self-image — tending to this area of your life could bolster your fulfillment in the bedroom, as you’ll be more confident, self-assured, and comfortable in your skin.
Then, from March 30 to Oct. 22, dreamy Neptune exits your seventh house of partnership for your eighth house of sex, where it’ll bring a more spiritual, escapist vibe to intimacy. All that to say, this may be the time to start experimenting with role-play ideas. It may even be worth planning a long overdue, steamy getaway with your love. Generally speaking, you could find that you’re more inclined to wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to how you see your significant other or other sexual partners this year, which can be romantic but also hurt you in the long run. Thankfully, taskmaster Saturn will be in the same zone from May 24 to Sept. 1, encouraging you to ask yourself hard-hitting questions about how you’re fulfilling your sexual desires, which will lead to bolstered self-awareness.
Libra Sex Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
In 2025, you’ll find yourself debating whether you should revel in your hottest fantasies or face the cold hard truths about your relationships, Libra. That’s thanks to the fact that two outer planets, which rarely change signs, are both moving into your seventh house of partnership. Neptune, the planet of dreams and spirituality, will be there from March 30 to Oct. 22, and Saturn will be there from May 24 to Sept. 1. Neptune’s influence could have you feeling unclear on what you actually want out of a long-term relationship or FWB situation, while Saturn could put the pressure on to make a commitment. Given these conflicting energies, your best bet will be to shower yourself with plenty of love. (Yes, in the form of masturbation.)
Tending to your vitality is even more of a priority than usual, especially around Sept. 17 when the full moon and lunar eclipse falls in your sixth house of wellness. Later, the November full moon in your eighth house of sexual intimacy could fuel a lightbulb moment, which could provide the clarity you need to make a bold move related to your closest relationship, whether that’s exploring a new fantasy or stepping away from a toxic connection.
Scorpio Sex Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You understand just how important sexual self-expression is, Scorpio, so, in 2025, you’ll be nudged to reflect on how your mental, physical, and emotional health is affecting your sex life — for better or worse. This is because two outer planets are shifting into your sixth house of wellness. First, dreamy Neptune is there from March 30 to Oct. 22, which could make you feel the pull to incorporate a spiritual practice into your routine. (Orgasmic meditation, anyone?) Tending to this area of your life could lead to better sleep and more energy that you can undoubtedly channel into more satisfying sex. Then, Saturn spends time in your sixth house of wellness from May 24 to Sept. 1, encouraging you to streamline your commitments and set better boundaries in your relationships.
On the other hand, if you’ve been wanting to take your sex life in a totally different direction and set the stage for encounters that are outside your tried-and-true wheelhouse, take advantage of when Uranus enters yours eighth house of sex from July 7 to Nov. 7. This time will empower you to shake things up in a way that sets off serious fireworks.
Sagittarius Sex Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
In 2025, your sexual experiences will be more satisfying than ever, Sagittarius. Though that might sound extreme, the fact is, Jupiter, your ruling planet, which oversees abundance and has a magnifying effect on everything it comes in touch with, will move into your eighth house of sexual intimacy on June 9, remaining there for just over a year. As a result, your typical go-big-or-go-home attitude will apply to your sex life even more than usual, as the sky will be the limit for exploring your steamiest desires.
However, it’s important to note that while you might’ve been OK with a one night stand or casual hookup in the past, surface-level sex won’t cut it right now. It’s likely you’ll crave experiences that feel transformative, spiritually satisfying, or that intrigue you because you’re toying with power and control dynamics. As if that wasn’t enough, Neptune, the planet of dreams and spirituality, and Saturn, the planet of hard work and boundaries, both spend time in your fifth house of romance and self-expression. These planetary movements will teach you lessons about speaking from the heart and ensuring your sex life is infused with just enough fun, creativity, and playfulness.
Capricorn Sex Horoscope (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You may begin the year feeling frustrated by your relationship goals, Capricorn, thanks to Mars, the planet of sex, being retrograde in your seventh house of partnership until Feb. 23. Once Mars is no longer retrograde, however, your sex life will really start to feel new once it’s in your eighth house of sexual intimacy from April 17 to June 17. This year, you can expect to be more assertive and laser-focused on taking your sex life to the next level, whether that’s by meeting someone new who’s like-minded and shares similar sex interests or by breathing new life into intimacy with your long-time love.
This year also marks a significant shift for your ruling planet, Saturn, which moves into your fourth house of home life, hanging there from May 24 to Sept. 1, compelling you to do major self-work to heal any emotional wounds. Take the time to look inward and care for this part of your life because the results could be truly illuminating. You could better understand why you shy away from taking chances that could lead to a more fulfilling sex life.
Aquarius Sex Horoscope (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Though you tend to be more logical and realistic, you could find that 2025 really stimulates your imagination and spiritual side, Aquarius, which can be a total pro for your sex life. That’s because Neptune, the planet of dreams, will be in your third house of communication from March 30 to Oct. 22, amplifying your desire to daydream and fantasize. It will also serve as a time to act on whatever you’ve been musing about, whether that’s experimenting with different sex toys, sex positions, or recreating a porn scene you watched with a partner.
In general, you’ll be more open to exploring new forms of pleasure because Uranus, your co-ruling planet, will be in your fifth house of romance and self-expression from July 7 to Nov. 7. During this period, expect the unexpected. You may be surprised by realizations that will crank up your libido and lead you to having more fun with your sexual partner(s). Finally, a new chapter that began last September will continue around March 13 and Sept. 21 when eclipses fall in your eighth house of sexual intimacy. Prepare for your sex life to be utterly transformed.
Pisces Sex Horoscope (Feb. 19-March 20)
This year is all about highlighting your love life, Pisces, potentially transforming your relationships once and for all. For this, you can thank the eclipse series that started last September and continues this year in your sign, your first house of self, and your seventh house of partnership on March 13, Sept. 7, and Sept. 21. Around these dates, you’ll see the writing on the wall in regard to how you’re showing up within your closest relationships and how others are showing up for you. Be prepared to either start seeing a close friend as more than a friend, begin a long-term partnership, or even move in with your long-time love.
On June 9, Jupiter, the planet of abundance and your traditional ruler, will be in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, offering you a plethora of options for exploring scenarios that bring you pleasure and allow you to tap into your artistic impulses. If you’re single, swiping on dating apps is about to get a lot more productive and rewarding when you find you have your pick of eligible matches. And if you’re attached, prepare for a lot more laughter and orgasms with your partner.
Maressa Brown is a journalist, author, and astrologer. Her areas of expertise include writing, reporting, and editing lifestyle, pop culture, and parenting content that’s both conversational and substantive. In addition to contributing to PS, she writes for a variety of consumer-facing publications including InStyle, Parents, and Shape, and was previously an editor at Cosmopolitan and CafeMom.