Wednesday, January 15, 2025

This Full-Buck-Moon-in-Capricorn Limpia Will Bring Clarity

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You are not having a déjà vu. We welcomed a Capricorn Full Moon in June before the New Moon in Cancer. Now, again, we welcome another Full Moon in Capricorn for the month of July. This busy worker bee energy brings CEO vibes so you can master your life’s work. That Cancer New Moon was a nice interlude to sit with our emotions, feel them, honor them, and set intentions. Now, the Cap Full Moon returns again so we can continue where we left off in June.

Full moons make the energy ripe for clearing our spirit of anything blocking us along our path. Capricorn is on a serious mission and is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and structure. So, Caps won’t hesitate to detach and move on when people or things get in the way of this energy.

When you think about how you want to work with this second Full Moon in Capricorn, remember there is strength in numbers. Consider doing a full moon ritual with friends, close confidants, or spiritual teachers or coaches. Communicate your intentions and how you can best clear your path of anything slowing you down or holding you back. While Caps are very strong-minded earth signs, there is fluidity, which is symbolized by the sea goat often associated with this zodiac. A half-goat, half-fish, cannot swim or climb very well, but the duality they bring — earth and water — creates a powerful creature. It reminds us of the importance of balance.

When Is the Full Moon in Capricorn?

The Full Moon in Capricorn peaks on July 21 at 6:17 a.m. ET. But stargazers will undoubtedly see our lunar friend brightly illuminated the night before and after its peak.

What Does the Second Consecutive 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn Mean?

July’s Full Moon in Capricorn is also known as the Buck Moon. It represents the growth of the male deer’s antlers, which begin growing in late spring. This evolution is fast; by July, their antlers are full and robust. They help create an illusion that the deer is much bigger than it is because the antlers sit atop their heads like a crown, making them look regal and mystical.

We can learn something from the deer’s evolution and how quickly the transformation occurs. Within a few months, the young deer is now mature, shedding its youthful appearance and demeanor. It reminds us that change can happen quickly. If you set intentions today to better your life, take a photo of yourself, and one year later, take another. Look at the two photos to see your own transformation. It may be substantial or very small. Either way, if it’s shifting for the betterment of your life and those around you, the impact is significant regardless.

Capricorns are both introverts and extroverts. So, creating balance in your world during the Cap Full Moon is powerful. This second consecutive full moon in Capricorn can help bring massive clarity to what still needs to be done after focusing on your goals with the June full moon and navigating the emotional Cancer New Moon.

During this full moon, it would be a good idea to emulate the mystical sea goat that represents Capricorn. Get grounded with your toes in the sand or grass, deeply breathing in the air, and stopping to smell the roses. Then incorporate the water element by staying hydrated or dipping your head in the sprinklers as you walk by a splash pad. Allow the fiercely focused and determined nature of Capricorn and its ruling planet, Saturn, to find balance with your inner child as you play, laugh, and turn your attention away from the to-do list for just a moment without feeling the pressure to do something.

What Is the Spiritual-Cleansing Prayer During the Full Moon in Capricorn?

Dear God, I am anxious and struggling to feel grounded. There is so much to do, and I don’t know how I’ll ever get it all done. I pray for inner peace, tranquility, and clarity along my path so that I may take my next steps with the strength of a goat and the fluidity of a fish. Great Spirit, guide me along the path when it’s too dark to see clearly. I trust and believe in your guidance. So, be it.

What Tarot Card Goes Well With the Full Moon in Capricorn?

The World – Capricorn is often associated with the Devil card in the tarot, but it can also be associated with the World because of its driven and focused nature. When Capricorn wants to make an impact, it’s worldly.

What Chakra Goes Well With the Full Moon in Capricorn?

The Throat – Capricorn is often associated with the Root chakra due to its grounded nature. Here, we explore its association with the Throat chakra, which governs communication and self-expression. After all, to master oneself, you must be able to speak your truth.

Spiritual Cleansing Limpia Recipe For the Full Moon in Capricorn


Sage and Palo Santo

Florida Water

Sea salt

Herbs – peppermint, holy basil, rosemary

Flowers – holly or jasmine

Candle – red

Essential Oils – coriander, eucalyptus, lemongrass

Crystals – amethyst, garnet, malachite


1. Begin by opening up the windows (and doors, if you can) in your home, allowing the wind to renew the energy inside.

2. Burn some sage. As you walk around your space, allowing the smoke to fill every nook and cranny, pray and set intentions. God is with you and listening.

3. Continue purifying and preparing by burning palo santo and, like the sage smoke, allow it to fill the space, locking in all the good vibes. With both the sage and palo santo, don’t forget to let the smoke circle you as well, cleansing your aura.

4. Next, bring a pot of water to a gentle boil and add handfuls of the herbs you want to use. You can rub the herbs between your hands and/or massage the leaves to bring out the oils from the plant. Then, set them in the water, reduce to a simmer, and allow the herbs to infuse in the liquid for 10-15 mins.

5. Remove the water from the heat, strain it, and set it aside to cool. While it’s doing so, add three splashes of Florida Water, saying thank you after each splash.

6. Add several drops of essential oils and one cup of sea salt, and mix it all with your hands as you dance, moving your hips and releasing any tension stored there. Sing and pray over the water, which has memory and will carry your words and intentions.

7. As you complete the preparation of your Capricorn full moon limpia, create an altar to represent your intentions, using flowers, crystals, and candles. Find a nice spot that calls to you. Maybe it’s where you’ll sit and journal before or after your limpia. Light the candle and allow the flame to represent the transformation that’s taking place under the full moon.

8. Take your limpia bowl to the shower. Bathe yourself first to clean your body physically. Then, as you pray, sing, deeply breathe, and set intentions, pour the limpid water over your body. Imagine the powerful, blessed water cleansing your soul of negative or stagnant energy. You are the slate for which the limpia water is wiping clean. Now that your space has been cleared of obstructions, you can create with clarity and a heart full of love and inspiration.

Zayda Rivera is a POPSUGAR contributor. She has been a professional writer for more than 20 years. Z is a certified Reiki Master Teacher, yoga and Zumba instructor, mindfulness and meditation guide, tarot reader, and spiritual mentor.

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