Monday, September 9, 2024

Is Greek Yogurt Good For You? Dietitians Explain

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Greek yogurt isn’t exactly the trendiest product on your shopping list (à la cottage cheese and chia seeds). But what this staple might lack in novelty, it makes up for in nutrition and health benefits — and no amount of TikTok virality can compete with that. But is it really that good for you?

Yogurt is made by combining heated milk with bacteria, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. This combination is then strained to remove whey, leaving you with a thick, tangy product known as — drumroll, please — Greek yogurt. This straining process significantly reduces lactose (i.e. milk sugar, which is largely found in whey), explains Krystal George, RDN, AMFT.

“Because of this, Greek yogurt is not only denser, drier, and more concentrated than the traditional variety, but it’s also higher in protein and lower in sugar and carbohydrates,” George says. But that’s just skimming the surface. Keep reading to learn more about the many health benefits of Greek yogurt.

Experts Featured in This Article:

Krystal George, RDN, AMFT, is a registered dietitian and therapist.
Valerie Agyeman, RDN, is a women’s health dietitian and host of the podcast Flourish Heights.

Greek Yogurt Nutrition Facts

Greek yogurt is known for its standout protein content, packing 20 grams (a hefty chunk of your daily recommended protein intake) in just one 200-gram serving. Greek yogurt also contains essential nutrients, such as calcium, B vitamins (including vitamin B12), and magnesium, says Valerie Agyeman, RDN. “These nutrients are vital for energy metabolism, cell function, nerve health, and red blood cell production.”

Plus, Greek yogurt is packed with probiotics, which support overall gut health and immune function, Agyeman adds. Here’s a snapshot of the nutrition facts for one container (200 grams) of plain, low-fat Greek according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

  • Calories: 146
  • Protein: 20 g
  • Fat: 5 g
  • Carbohydrates:8 g
  • Sugar 7 g
  • Sodium: 68 mg

Greek Yogurt vs. Regular Yogurt

Greek yogurt ranks above regular yogurt when it comes to certain macronutrients. But how do they compare, exactly? While the specific amount of protein differs across types of yogurt (e.g. low fat versus whole fat, flavored versus unflavored), Greek yogurt can contains double that of regular yogurt (in some instances, three to four times more protein). For instance, a 5.3 oz cup of Chobani Greek Yogurt Nonfat Plain contains 14 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrates, and 5 grams of sugar, George says. In comparison, a 5.3 cup of nonfat, plain yogurt from Stonyfield Organic has 7 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates, and 6 grams of sugar.

Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt

  • Regulates Blood Sugar: “Greek yogurt, as well as regular yogurt, may help improve glucose and insulin responses in the body when consumed daily,” George says. “This is due to its low glycemic index as well as its high protein content.” Protein takes a longer time to digest, promoting satiety and allowing for a slower, more gradual rise of blood sugar, so you don’t experience a spike.
  • Supports Gut Health: Each spoonful of Greek yogurt delivers a dose of probiotics, aka “good” bacteria that can “restore balance of gut bacteria, promote a healthy gut microbiome, and help maintain optimal digestive function,” Agyeman says. “Our gut naturally has this bacteria, but through digestion, sickness, and various medications, our levels of healthy bacteria can vary and sometimes decrease,” George adds. “By consuming Greek yogurt, this helps to maintain healthy levels of probiotic bacteria in the gut.”
  • Boosts Bone Health and Formation: Greek yogurt is rich in calcium — an essential mineral for promoting bone health. The key to reaping the bone-boosting rewards of Greek yogurt’s calcium, is to consume the dairy product in tandem with vitamin D and maintain regular physical activity, George explains. What’s more, Greek yogurt might also help promote bone formation. One small study found that consuming Greek yogurt daily while following a resistance-training program for 12 weeks helped increase bone formation and decrease bone breakdown. “This is [likely] due to the increase in calcium and protein intakes necessary for the growth and maintenance of the skeletal system,” George says.
  • Increases Muscle Mass: Along these lines, Greek yogurt is thought to increase muscle mass when paired with strength training. “The amino acids in protein, like that in Greek yogurt, help to rebuild muscle after a workout,” George says. “Because Greek yogurt has a higher protein content, and it’s a complete protein (which means it has all nine essential amino acids), this makes it a great vehicle to provide your body [with] what it needs to rebuild muscle tissue that has been broken down during a workout.”

Potential Risks of Greek Yogurt

Despite all of the health benefits of Greek yogurt, there are some instances in which Greek yogurt might not be as beneficial:

  • Sugar Content: Although Greek yogurt can help regulate blood sugar overall, “many flavored varieties often contain added sugars, which can impact blood sugar levels,” Agyeman notes. If you’re monitoring these levels, consider sticking to plain Greek yogurt. “The key to reaping the benefits of Greek yogurt is to be mindful about the total package of the meal,” George says. “Maybe add fruits and use less honey. If you desire texture [in] your yogurt, consider using granola that is lower in sugar but is still tasty.”
  • Dairy: One other downside of Greek yogurt (at least to some people): It’s not dairy-free. While Greek yogurt typically contains less lactose overall, that doesn’t mean it’s entirely safe for people who are lactose intolerant or cannot consume dairy. Thankfully, dairy-free Greek yogurt “can offer the same benefit of protein and lower carbohydrates and sugar,” George says. “However, the calcium percentage may be lower in dairy-free products.” If you’re looking to score a certain amount of calcium (or even protein), it’s always a good idea to check out a product’s label and consult with your healthcare provider before making any major changes to your diet.

Is Greek Yogurt Good For You?

It sure can be. “It’s a versatile food item that can be eaten as a meal, snack, topping or sauce, or addition in a smoothie,” George says. “It has a good amount of protein and calcium that can be paired with other carbohydrates and fats for a balanced meal.” What’s more, it also offers nutrients such as B vitamins and phosphorus, which support many bodily functions and overall health, Agyeman adds.

Keep in mind that Greek yogurt can easily lose its “good-for-you” status when it’s loaded with sugars. That’s why experts often recommend opting for the plain variety and adding your own sweetness and texture to taste. Just be mindful about those additions too, and remember that Greek yogurt doesn’t always have to be sweet to be beneficial. “Consider using Greek yogurt as a salad dressing, sauce topping on veggies, protein boost in a smoothie, etc.” George says. “When you diversify the way Greek yogurt can be used, you make room for a varied dietary pattern.”

— Additional reporting by Chandler Plante

Elizabeth Bacharach is a writer, editor, and content strategist who primarily covers health, wellness, and lifestyle topics. Most recently, she served as the content manager at THE WELL and an associate editor at Shape. In addition to PS, her work has appeared in Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, and Reader’s Digest, among others.

Chandler Plante is an assistant editor for PS Health & Fitness. Previously, she worked as an editorial assistant for People magazine and contributed to Ladygunn, Millie, and Bustle Digital Group. In her free time, she overshares on the internet, creating content about chronic illness, beauty, and disability.

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