Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mars Retrograde Meaning For Zodiac Sign, According to Expert

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With the late summer and fall full of astrological opportunities to transform your inner and outer world, the second half of 2024 could already feel like a heavy one. The last thing you probably want to hear is that another planet is going retrograde before the year is over. But the truth is, the next planetary backspin will be here before you know it. Enter: Mars retrograde.

In December, Mars will go retrograde officially, requiring you to recalibrate your energy, reflect on your sex life, drive, and anger, and take stock of your passions and ambitions. If it feels like this is a big deal kind of astrological transit, that’s because it is. The planet of action, energy, sex, and aggression hasn’t been retrograde since early 2023.

Beginning in 2024 and into 2025, Mars will be retrograde in the spotlight-loving fire sign Leo and sentimental water sign Cancer. Read on for the meaning of Mars retrograde, as well as how the Mars retrograde will impact you, according to your zodiac sign.

When Is Mars Retrograde in 2024?

Mars will go retrograde from Friday, Dec. 6, 2024 to Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025. Mars’s retrograde through Leo will span from Dec. 6 to Jan. 6, and then, its time moving backward in Cancer lasts from Jan. 6 to Feb. 23.

What Is Mars Retrograde?

In order to understand what happens when Mars is retrograde, it can help to consider how the planet affects you when it’s moving forward. As Mars moves through the 12 signs and hits key points on your birth chart, it can influence how you take action and move toward your goals. Its purpose is to fuel your motivation and support your ability to build momentum toward your ultimate vision. Mars’s effect when it’s moving forward can be mostly felt in an external way. Those action steps it inspires might involve asking a potential new flame out on a date or networking with old colleagues in pursuit of an exciting professional opportunity. However, when Mars is retrograde, its effects are more internal, psychological, and emotional.

What Does Mars Retrograde Mean in Astrology?

During this astrological transit, the planet named for the god of war, Mars, tends to encourage more inner work related to the areas of life it oversees. For example, it’ll spur you to consider how you process and work through anger, and also require that you reassess how you’ve been caring for your health and well-being. Think of Mars retrograde as a chance to prioritize your mental and emotional wellness in order to make even more successful strides toward your vision.

It bears noting that the slower a planet moves, the less intense its retrogrades may feel. So while Mercury, which is the speediest planet, can’t help but set off headache-inducing misunderstandings and technology glitches when it goes retrograde, Mars’s backspins may feel slightly more insidious.

In 2024-2025, Mars will move backward through the early degrees of Leo, the fixed fire sign ruled by the sun, and Cancer, the cardinal water sign ruled by the moon. In turn, it’s a time to prioritize inner work around all of the terrain that these two signs oversee: self-image, confidence, purpose, sense of security, and how you nurture others.

Jan. 3 could be an especially impactful day, as Mars, retrograde in Leo, opposes Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, which may whip up your passions and need to compete and achieve. Look back to Nov. 3 for a sense of how this might play out for you because on that day, Mars (moving direct at that point) in Cancer will oppose Pluto in Capricorn.

How the 2024-2025 Mars Retrograde Will Affect the Zodiac Signs

When it comes to Mars’s retrograde from Dec. 6, 2024 to Feb. 23, 2025, people who have their sun or other astrological placements in the fixed signs — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius — as well as the cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn — will feel it the most. If you want to get even more specific, see if any of your big three placements fall around 0 to 6 degrees of a fixed sign or 17 to 29 degrees of a cardinal sign, which will mean you’ll be especially impacted by this Mars retrograde.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

First of all, it bears noting that you feel Mars retrogrades more than most, given that the planet rules your sign, Aries. This time around, the planet of action and energy will begin its retrograde in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, which nudges you to take a scattershot approach to creative projects and fun-loving pastimes. This might not feel as productive as hitting the gas on one goal, but it’ll end up being more fulfilling over time. As Mars backs up through your fourth house of home life, you’ll be focused on self-work and healing to bolster your emotional well-being and closest relationships.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

While Mars is retrograde in your fourth house of home life, Taurus, it would be wise to reflect on how you’ve been exerting your energy and managing your anger within your closest familial relationships. Although you tend to have a long fuse, it’s possible that a new way of showing up within these bonds would serve you even better moving forward. And as Mars backs up through your third house of communication, you’ll be analyzing how you’re managing your social life, learning opportunities, and short-distance travel. Streamlining your efforts, time, and energy might ultimately make you even more productive.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Mars retrograde kicks off in your third house of communication, Gemini, which means it could feel tougher than usual to really build momentum on collaborations with friends and colleagues, opportunities to soak up knowledge, or even travel plans you previously had in motion. Instead, you’ll feel like you’re taking a couple steps forward and then a few steps back. Tapping into your innate ability to go with the flow can prove particularly helpful and even lead to growth. And as Mars backs up through your second house of income, you’ll do well to take more measured approach to financial game plans, reflecting on where you’ve been and where you want to go.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Mars will begin its backspin in your second house of income, Cancer, which also oversees values and self-worth, so all of those themes will be at the fore. You’ll be considering whether the energy you’re pouring into your current money-making strategy is really paying off as you had expected or if you might need to reassess how you’re bringing your skills to the table. Then, the go-getter planet will be retrograde in your sign, and you could be aggravated by just how much effort you’re putting into passion projects only to get minimal results. The key takeaway here is to slow down and put self-reflection, rest, and rejuvenation ahead of hitting the gas so hard on your dreams.

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)

Mars kicks off its retrograde in your sign, and it could suddenly feel like you’re having to run through mud to get just about anything done. Pursuing your aspirations just takes even more effort, energy, and action than usual now, which is pretty much the last thing you want to hear, given how ambitious you are, Leo. But this slowdown is meant to teach you to take stock of exactly how you’re acting on your passions and drive. And as Mars backs up through your 12th house of spirituality, you’ll be nudged to tune into your intuition and nurture your relationship to your inner voice.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

Mars retrograde begins in your 12th house of spirituality, Virgo, which means you’ll be challenged to think about the ways in which you’ve been exerting energy (or not) to care for your psychological well-being, intuition, and inner voice. If there’s work to be done, this period will steer you toward your best next steps. Later, go-getter Mars backs up through your 11th house of networking, which also oversees aspirations, potentially throwing a wrench in just how quickly you’ll be able to make plans with friends, complete collaborative projects with colleagues, or move the ball forward on long-term wishes. At the same time, you’ll have a chance to assess which of these undertakings is truly worth your energy.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Mars retrograde begins in your 11th house of networking, so you’ll be taking a magnifying glass to collaborative endeavors you share with friends, colleagues, teams, and groups, Libra. You could be assessing your role within these efforts and getting a better sense of how hard you’ve been pushing and how much you want to be giving of yourself moving forward. Then, Mars backs up through your 10th house of career, which throws the spotlight on your professional aspirations. You could experience inner conflict related to how you’re attempting to make your mark in the world or clash with higher-ups because you don’t share the same vision. Either way, you’ll do well to reflect on how the moves you’re making now will influence the rewards and recognition you achieve down the road.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

Because Mars is one of your rulers, you tend to feel its retrogrades more than most signs, Scorpio. You’ll be frustrated if it feels like there are more obstacles and slowdowns than usual in your way when it comes to pursuing your professional aspirations, and you could be critical of just how far you’ve come overall. The solution is giving yourself plenty of time and space to think about the big picture and your role in your progress, then opening yourself up to potentially productive changes. As Mars moves backward through your ninth house of higher education and adventure, go inward and assess your philosophies, world view, and appetite for knowledge — all of which could contribute not only to your success but also personal fulfillment.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

Mars retrograde kicks off in your ninth house of higher education and adventure, Sagittarius, which gets you thinking about the ways in which perhaps you’ve been holding yourself back from listening to your gut and following your wildest impulses. To be fair, it can also be tougher than you’d like to get the ball rolling on long-distance travel and other eye-opening experiences now, but you’ll also become more aware of what it takes to activate your big dreams. Then, Mars will be retrograde in your eighth house of emotional bonds, requiring that you meditate on your needs and comfort level within your most intimate relationships.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

Mars retrograde kicks off in your eighth house of intimacy and joint resources, Capricorn, requiring that you slow down and prioritize self-reflection when it comes to your sex life and how you’re managing money matters with loved ones. This could fuel intense, possibly even challenging conversations around these subjects, which are already tough to talk about, to be sure, but doing your best to face them head on versus sweeping them under the rug will make for smoother sailing ahead. Then, Mars backs up through your seventh house of partnership, highlighting any lack of reciprocity and aggravations within your one-on-one bonds. Think about how you manage your most fiery emotions within these relationships and work on conflict resolution.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

To start, Mars moves backward through your seventh house of partnership, Aquarius, which brings your attention to how you’ve been pouring your energy into and managing aggravation, frustration, and even anger within one-on-one relationships — whether platonic, professional, or romantic. It could be time to ask yourself if the status quo is getting you where you want to be within these bonds or if a different approach might be more productive. Then, as Mars backs up through your sixth house of daily routine and wellness, you’ll find it’s tougher than usual to build momentum on your fitness plans or everyday to-dos. Yet, the slowdown could inspire you to streamline your efforts and focus on the commitments that matter the most.

Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)

Pisces, Mars moves backward to start in your sixth house of wellness and daily routine, which could make it feel like you’re attempting to move against the tide whenever you’re tackling errands or making progress on a fitness goal. Frustrating, to be sure, but the takeaway here is to think about how you define productivity and consider whether you’d do best to exert your time and energy in a different way. Then, the go-getter planet’s backspin through your fifth house of romance and self-expression could inspire you to try your hand at diving into a variety of artistic and heartfelt impulses versus just one. Again, this could feel like you’re more scattered than you think you should be, but an easygoing, lighthearted approach is exactly what the moment calls for.

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